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Jason vs Jade at Mega Man Dongs?
Mega Man-Dongs is a great hentai game!
That's what I thought it was at first when I heard the name; that or one of those stupid rom hacks where they just stuck a crudely-drawn penis on everyone and called it a day.

After seeing the game in action, though, I think it can more accurately be described as "I Wanna Be The Megaman". Last I saw, it's currently unfinished though. The initial eight stages are done, but the game abruptly ends afterward with no fortress stages.
Don't let the name fool ya, there's a lot of great things happening in this game with programming and all that. It's really quite fun, and funny as well.

Indeed there is no Wily Fortress and I don't really think there ever will be to tell you the truth.

I've played through it once and recently picked up the latest version and not a whole lot has changed. But it seems there is no end game really to speak of as of yet... which is ok with me.